July 25, 2011

Who voted for WHO?

Becky is concerned that the unelected World Health Organization (WHO) - set up in 1948 as an agency of the unelected United Nations – is setting the agenda for our health budget, wasting taxpayer funds on vanity projects and surreptitiously forcing home governments to accept a globalist policy.

“The WHO is a global organization which by-passes democratic processes and undermines national sovereignty,” says Becky. “Nobody voted for WHO; nobody elected its representatives as overlords of the world’s health; no nation asked for its guidance; and no society had any say in any of the health directives inflicted on their nations by it.”

“The WHO, with its headquarters in Geneva, is not a ‘health’ organization,” says Becky. “It is a medical organization which, from the beginning, pursued an idea of ‘health’ which was very similar to Adolph Hitler’s fanatical ‘healthism’ - and its founding medical members were of the same age as Hitler, too, and shared his hatred of smoking.”

“It is an anachronistic organization representing 1940 ideals which has been inflicted upon, and accepted by, the world almost without question,” says Becky. “And, rather than concentrating on genuine global health problems – the old infectious diseases, malaria, malnutrition, etc which still plague us – one of its very first priorities was a vanity project - to control tobacco smoking - and this priority has continued to the present date unabated despite new pandemics, AIDS, SARS etc and never ending wars and famines.”

“This priority shows that the medical establishment under the auspices of WHO is continuing, this time on a global scale, the policies of the Nazi medical establishment in relation to social domination via the cult of ‘healthism’.”

“Public Health has been used by the UN as a mode of infiltrating nations around the world,” says Becky. “It has stripped nations of their cultural, social and political heritage and aligned them with the vanity projects of an elite medical establishment.”

“In relation to the smoking vanity project, for instance, it was under the auspices of WHO that the Godber Blueprint was established in 1975,” says Becky. “Since then, a global bureaucracy has been built up – at taxpayer’s expense - to protect the original Blueprint and affect its fulfillment.”

“Like many in the medical profession, Godber was a fanatical anti-smoker who made smoking control a moralist ideological crusade,” says Becky. “He said that smoking is a dirty, anti-social practice; that smokers are nicotine addicts; that we should aim to have a non-smoking generation and a non-smoking world by the year 2000; and that waging a war against smoking was a ‘proper’ activity of health departments everywhere.”

“Godber had a narrow, fixed and flawed opinion of smoking as well as a dangerous view of Public Health which, over the decades, has not changed and culminated on 21 May 2003, at the 56th World Health Assembly, with the unanimous adoption of 167 nations of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.”

“This Convention placed governments under international obligation to monitor tobacco use and prevention policies; protect people from tobacco smoke; offer help to quit tobacco use; warn about the dangers of tobacco; enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; and raise taxes on tobacco (to pay for the WHO’s global monitors, protectors, helpers, warners and enforcers) ,” says Becky. “This confirms my view that WHO is conducting a global moralistic ideological crusade.”

“While the world suffers from the global war on terrorism - and cancer and other health researchers beg for funds to help them cure diseases that are the real global scourges – it is nice to know that the WHO has its priorities right, isn’t it?”

Read more by Becky on this issue:

  • Bogus health research

  • Sinful Pleasures

  • Anti-smoking media tarts

  • Licensed to smoke?

  • Le Grand Fag Parasite

  • self-employment in parasitic britain

  • parasites and brain drains

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