August 28, 2012

religiously motivated wars

Small nations are quite open about their wars being religiously motivated, but Poppy believes that the wars of the modern western world are essentially motivated by religion even though ‘democracy’ and ‘economic factors’ are put forward as reasons.

"My neighborhood has absorbed refugees from all parts of the world where my wretched country has poked its military nose into for all kinds of suspect democratic or economic reasons," says Poppy, "and if the massive migrations that result from these wars is demographically engineered to change the religious culture at home and abroad then it is a massive war crime.”

"Because the Protestant countries largely kept out of the Vietnam War I am particularly convinced that that particular war was Vatican inspired," says Poppy. "The French colonists had converted the South Vietnamese to Catholicism and when the North Vietnamese wanted to unite the country under communism our Catholic President Kennedy came to the rescue – same thing with the Spanish Philippines centuries before and, to some extent, Korea, too."

“While the ‘war against terror’ was being waged,” says Poppy, “the British prime minister, Tony Blair, kept quiet about his catholic conversion. I wonder why?”

“I truly believe that the Muslims have good reason to fear that our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan is religiously motivated,” says Poppy. “What greater boon for the Catholic Church than to convert the whole of the Middle East to Catholicism.”

Read more by Poppy on this issue:

  • engineered demographics

  • the fate of indigenous populations

  • demographic engineering

  • the curse of the katholikos ethos

  • katholikos is Greek for global

  • racism and the religious balance

  • the enemy within