July 09, 2007

are anti-smokers so perfect?

Neva reports that there's a quotation from an ex-president of ASH on the Freedom2choose website saying words to the effect that he's no role model, and she makes the valid point that people who make a living out of reviling other people's lifestyles should have a moral duty to be perfect in all respects themselves.

"Frankly, I have better things to do than waste time investigating the lifestyles of prominent anti-smokers and those who run ASH and our health departments -- and besides which what they do in their private lives is none of my business," says Neva, "but there are plenty of smokers who are so incensed by the hypocrisy of the holier than thou anti-smokers that they will most definitely make it their business to expose the nasty little secrets of these people."

"Actually, since most of these anti-smokers are being funded by taxpayer dollars it is really the civic duty of all citizens -- smokers or not -- to ensure that their money is being spent wisely and that the people spending it stand up to moral scrutiny."

"We've recently seen how easy it is for terrorists to get employed by health departments -- and to get paid with our taxes to blow us up," says Neva, "so what other type of people are being employed by health departments and their ancillary bodies?"

"It wouldn't surprise me if the whole health system -- from the top to the bottom -- is riddled with unsavoury characters," laughs Neva. "As far as I am concerned, the lunatics have been in charge of the asylum for a long time because who else would have foisted multiculturalism and political correctness upon us?"

"It is not sufficient to be a non-smoker to set yourself up as a voice against smoking," explains Neva. "You've got to be perfect in every respect in order to convince everyone that you are good and smokers are bad." "That ASH and other bodies like it have no 'face' and, as far as I know, no address or telephone number, leads me to believe that the anti-smokers are hiding something."

"Could it be that they are all such terrible role models that if the general public saw them they would be laughed out of town?"

"Let me see," muses Neva, "are they all fat slobs? Are they drunks? Are they psychiatric patients? Are they drug addicts? Are they wife beaters, pedophiles, tax cheats, pornography merchants, criminals, fundamentalists or what?"

"Like the puny little Wizard of Oz, when people make a big noise but prefer not to be seen there is generally something terribly wrong with them -- even if it is merely a lack of stature or just plain old age."

'The anti-smokers are smart enough to know that their appearance or character or creed is so unacceptable that their message is better promoted with advertisements and written literature than with public appearances," explains Neva. "And, when a public face is required they hire consultants (ie actors) to do it for them, or brainwash children into their cause."

"In view of the fact that a lot of good people have had their social lives ruined by anti-smoking propaganda," says Neva, "I can't blame smokers for wanting to expose the anti-smoking propagandists for what they are."

"Personally, the only anti-smokers I have come across are the brainwashed variety," says Neva. "When I ask them why they are opposed to smoking they invariably say that their teachers, parents or pastors told them it was a bad thing to do."

"I suppose if I took the trouble to ask teachers, parents and pastors why they are opposed to smoking -- and make sure that the children in their care are opposed to it, too -- they would invariably cite ASH or health department literature."

"So, by exposing the nasty little secrets of the anti-smokers in ASH and the health departments we would be able to discredit their anti-smoking propaganda," says Neva. "By exposing themas terrible role models, we destroy the credibility of their anti-smoking literature."

"It's all very nice in theory," sighs Neva, "but just like brainwashed religious fanatics don't turn away from their religion upon discovering their leaders are pedophiles and frauds,I doubt whether the brainwashed masses would stop hating smokers just because a health minister, for instance,was discovered to be a heroin addict."

"Smokers would need to expose every single anti-smoking propagandist as a fraud before the brainwashed masses woke up to themselves," says Neva. "and then it would take another generation before the anti-smoking hate subsided."

"As I see it, the anti-smoking propagandists know a lot about the power of generating hate in the masses -- and singling out a particular group to vent it on," says Neva. "And, while those who make a living out of reviling other people's lifestyles should have a moral duty to be perfect in all respects themselves, they very often get away with having far worse lifestyles than those they are reviling."

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