July 27, 2011

Breivik, Christ’s Knight

When Dakota read the manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik, it was quite plain that he considered himself to be a Justiciar Knight Commander of the Knights Templar of Europe fighting a war to preserve European Christendom against a Marxist-Islamic alliance, and viewed his massacre not as a spree killing of innocent civilians but a biblical act of retribution against a Norwegian political party that welcomed Muslim immigrants and was therefore anti-Christian.

“Breivik described himself as being 100% Christian and on Day 41 of his countdown preparation for the July 22 massacre he prayed to God for the success of his mission,” says Dakota. “He described the church in Europe as being ‘fanatically egalitarian, self-loathing and suicidal’ – and spiritually bankrupt; and traced the fall of Europe’s Christendom back to events in the late 19th century – particularly Great Britain’s appeasement of Turkey.”

“Great Britain was once Turkey’s most powerful ally,” explains Dakota, “and its so-called Christian politicians sold out fellow Christians living in the Muslim Ottoman Empire, centred in Turkey, in order to safeguard the balance of power in Europe and block Russia from advancing further into Europe.”

“Knowing full well from Consul James Zohrab’s report from Sarajevo in 1860 on July 22 that the Christians living under Muslim rule were being treated very badly, the British politicians allowed the Muslims to get away with the lie that Turkish rule over the Christians in the Ottoman Empire’s European provinces was just, fair, tolerant and lawful.’

“In 1875 Bosnia revolted against Turkish rule and Bulgaria followed in 1876, leading to a massacre of Christians over the Balkans by the Turks,” says Dakota. “Amazingly, Britain defended this massacre and it was Russia that declared war on the Ottoman Empire in 1877-78, defeated the Turks, and assisted Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro to gain independence.”

“In exchange for the strategic island of Cyprus – and the return of two Armenian provinces – Britain promised the defeated Ottoman Empire protection from Russia,” says Dakota, “and as a result of this shameful horse-trading 250,000 Armenians met a terrible fate in 1896.”

“With the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after WWI – and the loss of 1.5 million lives – the British politicians then sold out their fellow Christians in Arab lands by promoting a National Arab Movement in which Muslims and Christians were to live in ‘harmony’ under Arab rule,” says Dakota, “and, fearing for their lives, there followed a stream of Christian refugees from Turkey, Iraq and Syria – and then the Jewish / Palestinian conflict added to the mix.”

“The oppression, massacre and / or displacement of millions of Christians under Muslim rule is something that neither the European powers nor the Muslim world wish to acknowledge,” says Dakota. “It was all swept under the carpet by those with national and economic interest to promote and protect, but it was never forgotten by those that suffered the most – in Armenia and the Baltic states.

“When Breivik’s Norwegian government involved itself in the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999, killing his Christian ‘brothers’, he believed the time had come for the Knights Templar to plan for the resurrection of European Christendom.”

Read more by Dakota:
Was Breivik a secret Israeli operative?
The ethics of politicizing children
Breivik’s online fantasy world
Breivik’s social contract betrayal
Breivik’s July 22 Sarajevo Code
immigration promotes white shame?
Breivik the white knight
Dating psychos like Breivik
Stepfamily loners
be proud of your race!

See also:

Breivik’s Aquarian Humanity?
Age Secrets of Anders Behring Breivik

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