Cameron should cut upper crust welfare!
David Cameron, the UK Prime Minister, is preparing the nation for the biggest cuts in government spending since WWII and warns that the cuts will affect every person in the country, but Allegra is pretty sure that there will be no cuts to the billions spent on upper crust welfare (in the form of the ‘arts’, sports, religion and bailouts) which, at the beginning of all civilizations, was the only type of welfare.
“If Mr. Cameron is a true conservative then he should be well aware that any form of art, sport, religion or business that cannot pay its own way has no right whatsoever to be given welfare in order to exist,” says Allegra. “If they cannot attract patronage, then they should cease to exist.”
“As far as the ‘arts’ are concerned, I’m talking about publicly funded radio, television, opera, ballet, theatre, art galleries, orchestras and museums,” says Allegra. “Why should working class people pay for the amusements and employment of the upper crust in ‘arts’ which, they, themselves have scant interest in?”
“And why should working class people who have scant interest in religion subsidize wealthy religious organizations?” asks Allegra. “Why should we financially support faith schools when public schools already exist, and why should these bodies be exempt from tax on the basis of their nebulous ‘charity’ status when the people that run them are living like lords?”
“Businesses and banks that were bailed out by our generous government with taxpayer funds should also be required to repay every cent they received – with double interest,” says Allegra, “and next time they look like going broke because of the breathtaking bonuses they pay themselves they should be allowed to go broke.”
“In fact, any company that pays any type of dividend or is owned by one that does should not have any tax break,” says Allegra. “And, I am totally against taxpayer funded sports – especially the Olympic Games event, much loved by the elite equestrian set, which has the effect of bankrupting every city that hosts them.”
“Let the upper crust pay for their amusements and follies out of their own pockets and stop giving them welfare in the form of grants, subsidies, bailouts and tax breaks!”
Read more by Allegra:
Cameron cuts welfare benefits?
cut military spending, the real terror is here, no...
cut public sector pensions and perks!
cut foreign aid, charity begins at home
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