going global on climate change
"Just think about it," says Jinny. "The West became rich after a filthy dirty industrial revolution and it was hundreds of years later -- in the 1960s -- that pollution became such a problem that measures were finally taken to stem it."
"The Third World cannot possibly catch up with the West without experiencing a similar industrial revolution," says Jinny, "and there is something immoral about imposing on emerging economies the same pollution measures that the West now uses and scaring these people into submission with dire climate change predictions."
"How dare the globalists beat up on China's economic miracle and expect Africa to forgo the use of electricity,"says Jinny. "The more I think about it the more I believe that global warming is nothing more than a political agenda pushed by the same people pushing globalization for the same reason -- economic advantage".
"I know there are a lot of conspiracy theories about global warming and some may be crazy," says Jinny, "but there's a little bit of truth in all of them."
"When one race imposes its will on another, especially when the imposing race once considered itself as having a 'white man's burden' to look after the other," explains Jinny, "I see shades of eugenics and Neo-Nazi race science emerging."
"When think tanks come up with studies showing that if couples had two kids instead of three, they could reduce their carbon dioxide output by the equivalent of 620 return flights pa between, say, London and New York," says Jinny, "you get to understand that the globalists are not just talking about global warming, but population control."
"Actually, believe it or not, the concept of 'global warming' was invented by Britain's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in support of nuclear power after a fight with both coal suppliers and coal unions," laughs Jinny. "She poured money into the venture and gained the support of most of the scientific establishment."
"I think the only point on which the pro and anti global warming protagonists agree is the fact that a Medieval Warm Period occurred and was definitely warmer than today,"laughs Jinny. "That, to me, is enough evidence that man-made global warming is bunkum, and it's downright criminal that the globalists continue to push their propaganda not just on us, but on the rest of the world, too."
"Sure, man is responsible for adding to naturally occurring CO2, but in total this makes up just a tiny fraction of a percent of the Earth's atmosphere," says Jinny, "and rather than pointing their fingers at the Third World the globalists should be cleaning up their own act. How many of them, for instance, practise what they preach? How would they like to live for a year, let alone a lifetime, without electricity and vehicles and the other polluting necessities of modern life?"
"And, another oddity in this equation is the Live Earth concerts," says Jinny. "Following on from so many concerts aimed at feeding the Third World masses -- allowing more and more so-called superfluous people to live and breed and make ever more carbon footprints -- now the globalists are using music to push the green message onto them!"
"Tell me, why would the masses in the Third World be interested in taking a pledge to cut global warming pollution and return to stone-age living so that Al Gore and his fellow-globalists in the West can continue to live like carbon hogging kings?"
"How dare the globalists blame the emerging Third Word economies for spoiling the planet," says Jinny, "and how dare they make up lies about man-made climate catastrophes and how dare our governments give these people millions of our taxpayer funds to spread such drivel."
"Man-made pollution is a real problem and needs to be addressed, but climate change is a natural event and has nothing to do with us," says Jinny. "If the globalists think that their climate change scaremongering will stop the emerging economies from steaming ahead and overtaking the West, then they need a reality check."
"When you go global, you either uplift others to your level or downgrade yourself to theirs," adds Jinny, "and I'd prefer the former, wouldn't you?"
Labels: al gore, climate change, co2, economic advantage, emerging economies, eugenics, global warming, globalization, industrial revolution, live earth, margaret thatcher, pollution, third world
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