March 16, 2010

global corporation divide and rule

Leona maintains that the divide and rule policy of global corporations and governments is driving a huge wedge between the haves and the have-nots, and that when classism and racism are unleashed there could be a terrible backlash.

“It may be fashionable to believe that the class system doesn’t exist any more – that we are all equal,” says Leona, “but that’s just another divide and rule tactic to keep our eyes off the ball."

“You know in your heart where you are on the social scale, and who is higher and lower than you on this scale according to their current victimization status,” says Leona, “but what you may not know, or do not wish to know, is that you’ve also been fed a lie about being able to improve your situation by higher education and working longer and harder than everyone else.”

“Being able to improve your situation may have been possible in pre-globalization days, but now that we’re competing with 6 billion people – most of whom are leaner, meaner and a whole lot smarter than we are – whose situation do you think is going to be improved?”

“Certainly not ours,” says Leona, “and, in the long run, certainly not that of the immigrants coming here for a better life.”

“Because the global elites deliberately removed national borders and broke down the traditional family structure,” says Leona, “they have effectively undermined social cohesion, wages, trade unions and the welfare system for the sole benefit of themselves.”

"In the past classism led to revolution and so did racism - and what's happening now with immigrants and joblessness could lead to a terrible backlash."

Read more by Leona on this issue:

  • immigrants aren’t the enemy

  • government and its corporate mates

  • corporations destroying racial harmony

  • united action

  • educating co-workers

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