June 11, 2010

government and its corporate mates

From the beginnings of politics, the tactic of divide and rule has been used by the ruling classes of whatever persuasion to entrench their power, privilege and wealth and Leona sees it first hand in her return-to-work job with a global corporation, a great mate of the government.

“By demonizing the Jews, the Nazis and allied German companies gained public support for stealing the wealth and property of Jews all over Europe, and by demonizing the Saddam regime the Bush government and its corporate mates gained support for stealing the oil fields and marching over Iraq,” says Leona. “It’s only by demonizing a defined group of people that whole populations can be distracted from what is really going on, and in my workplace it’s a defined racial group that is being targeted in order to divide and rule us.”

“It’s no good that we say sorry, we didn’t know this was going on, like the post-war Germans did when faced with bodies and gas ovens,” says Leona. “When we participate in divide and rule politics by swallowing propaganda and lies we are as guilty as the ruling class and that is why it is such a diabolically effective tactic.”

“The government gives away power to everyone but the voters and tax payers who – in keeping with the divide and rule tactic – they are trying to hoodwink by encouraging us to blame each other – but particularly immigrants,” says Leona, “and if things get out of hand, they then change from bad cop to good cop and give us bread and circuses.”

“Social fragmentation - caused by overcrowding and excessive competition brought on by excessive immigration - benefits the elites, not us,” says Leona, “and the more we struggle to survive under intolerable circumstances the less likely we are to notice what should be bleeding obvious.”

“While we’re working harder and longer to make less money, our taxes are skyrocketing, our rights are diminishing daily, our relationships are deteriorating and our environment is becoming more polluted and violent – and guess what?” says Leona. “The rich in government and their mates in corporations are getting richer!”

Read more by Leona on this issue:

  • immigrants aren’t the enemy

  • corporations destroying racial harmony

  • global corporation divide and rule

  • united action

  • educating co-workers

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